The Fleur De Lis is a symbol that has been around for centuries and from what I can gather no one can pinpoint it's origins. I want to point out, that I am no scholar on symbols so the information that I have gathered is merely from some light internet reading.
One source argues that the FDL is more likely to be an Iris rather than a Lily. A species of Iris called 'Iris Pseudacorus' or 'Yellow Flag' as it's known in English, or Lieschblume in German. This Iris is known to grow in marshes in Northern France. The interesting thing about the German name is Liesch was also spelled Lies and Leys in the Middle Ages. It is easy to imagine that, in Northern France the Lieschblume would have been called "fleur-de-lis."
It is said that either King Louis VI or VII became the first French Monarch to use the Fleur De Lis on his shield. Later, English kings used the symbol on their coat of arms to emphasize their claim to the throne of France. Another historical figure that the FDL is associated with is Joan of Arc. She carried a banner when she led troops to victory over the English showing God blessing the French royal emblem of the Fleur De Lis.
There are also legends about the origins of the FDL
Another Clovis legend is that a Lily was given to him at his baptism by the Virgin Mary. The Lily is said to have sprung from the tears shed by Eve as she left Eden. Over time, Christianity has adopted the FDL as a symbol that is associated with Mary that signifies purity. Today, in Christianity the Fluer De Lis is sometimes symbolized as the Holy Trinity.
The Fleur De Lis seems to be prevalent throughout North American in places that have been settled by the French. Places such as Quebec, St. Louis, Louisville, and New Orleans.
People may be attracted to the Fleur De Lis due to it's rich although somewhat confusing history. The one undisputed claim is that the FDL is directly linked with French Royalty.Places such as New Orleans are steeped in tradition and history, displaying the FDL is paying Homage to their ancestry. You see FDL as fence toppers (even Buckingham Palace has these) as decorative facades on buildings, and the New Orleans Saints have a Fleur De Lis as their team logo.
There are a number of manufacturers who make Fleur De Lis themed hardware. You can get door entry hardware, doorbells, bathroom accessories, and cabinet hardware with the FDL theme.
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