While surfing the web for a particular part for a deadbolt, I came across a blog for a locksmith in Florida. There are only eight blog posts, but man what a plethora of information! I read every single one of them. Jeff Gater apparently has been a locksmith for about 35 years, and based on his knowledge you can tell. I don't typically endorse websites or people that I personally haven't been in contact with but if I were in need of a locksmith, this would be the man for my job.
Having sold door locks for over a decade myself, I'm pretty familiar with their inner workings. Having to troubleshoot and step through the installation process while over the phone has taught me to get familiar with the way they operate. I still learned something today while reading his blog. Do yourself a favor and go read up on what makes deadbolts "secure" and how to properly install a strike plate. And, if you're in Florida and in need of a good locksmith, give Jeff a call.
“Leave the Details to Us"
“Leave the Details to Us"
These are really useful tips, thanks for sharing them with us.