This time of year is usually when we all do a little something extra to help our fellow citizens of the world. Whether it's putting a cookie in the mailbox for your mail carrier, working at the local soup kitchen, donating to a canned goods drive, or just taking the time to say Happy Holidays. This time of year there's always that extra something that makes us want to do some good, even if it's only for a brief time.
For the last two years
Spokane Hardware and
The Hardware Hut have donated money to Toys for Tots. At our annual Christmas party we buy raffle tickets for prizes and the proceeds go to Toys for Tots, all funds raised are matched by our company. Last year we raised a little over $1,000 and this year we raised $1,300. That's a lot of toys for kids in need. Not to toot our own horn, but way to go us! For a company with less than 50 employees, I think we did great. A big "Thank You" to Steve and Andrew Northrop, Spokane Hardware's owner and owner in the making for matching our donations.
Andrew Northrop & his father Steve Northrop. Annual Christmas Party 2014. |
Another neat story; Charlie Iverson has worked for Spokane Hardware for 16 years. He is our showroom manager and works with our customers that come into the physical store. As you can imagine, after 16 years he has gotten somewhat of a following of customers. This year, one of Charlie's customers wanted to thank him for his years of service and presented him with a custom made Cribbage set.
Wayne showing Charlie is gift. |
Wayne from
Wayne's Woodworks wanted to let Charlie know he is appreciated. As Andrew pointed out, I think Charlie might have gotten a speck of dust in his eye at one point. We have the best customers!
Wayne adding is signature to Charlie's custom Cribbage set. |
Last but certainly not least, from everyone at Spokane Hardware and the The Hardware Hut, we'd like to thank you for being the most important part of our business. Our customers are the reason we are here. We hope you have health and happiness this holiday season and in the coming new year.
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